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Charge Globally

receive locally

You decide how you receive, they decide how they pay.

Finturu is the end-to-end solution for managing your international payments.
With our platform, you and your customers choose how to make and receive payments, with secure and flexible options tailored to your needs.
Simplify your transactions and maximize your global reach.

Fully-fledged international payments

Still using remittances?
Discover the first Fintech for entrepreneurs and international ecommerce enthusiasts.

Guarantees transparent operations, ensuring exchange and tax compliance.

More Secure
Offer secure payment options that your customers know about, while protecting you from fraud.

Streamline your operations to take full control of your international transactions.

Global Cobra

Build confidence in your international customers with payment methods they already know and prefer.

receives local

Receive your money quickly at any regulated financial institution or take advantage of the benefits of our digital wallet.

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How does it work?

Simplify your international payments in three easy steps

1. Register and Configure your Account
In just minutes you can start receiving international payments, you only need to register your personal data and bank account.
Sign Up

2. Generate and Manage International Payments
Create payment links with your personal banker using WhatsApp banking or use our integrations in platforms like WooCommerce and Shopify.
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3. Receive and Manage your Funds
Directly in your bank account or in your Finturu wallet.
Use our dashboard to send, monitor or manage your transactions.
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Ease and Adaptability for your Business

Solutions that fit your business needs

Payment Links

Generate payment links easily from our WEB or through WhatsApp, to sell through social networks or online store.
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WhatsApp Banking

Manage payments without downloading an app and take advantage of the benefits of a 24/7 personal banker.
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Integrate Finturu with any of your existing systems using our flexible API for international payments.
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Add Finturu to your Shopify store to manage international payments with no hassle.
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WooCommerce Integration

Connect your WooCommerce store with Finturu to offer a seamless and secure checkout experience to your customers.
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Integration with Conveyors

Finturu streamlines your logistics operations by managing payments to local couriers or courier services such as UPS, FedEx and DHL. See more

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Solicita una Demo

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